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Blind Dog Refuses To Leave Spot Where She Was Abandoned, Waits For Over 10 Years!

The Bokshil dog has been living a life full of misery and pain for the last 10 years. Locals say that the blind dog ended up on the street after its owner moved into a another home. Although no one recognizes the owner, Bokshil hopes her owner will eventually come for her, writes zenoonee

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Residents testified that Bokshil spent her entire life anxiously waiting next to the apartment. Over the years, her situation got really bad. She lost her sight thanks to a senile cataract, and her teeth also began to crack, but Bokshil thwarted attempts to rescue concerned locals and decided to stay in the waiting area.

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These days, Bokshil is being fed grounded, soft food by a sweet grandma who looks out for her. Some people even built a little dog house for her. However, it is still shocking to learn that she risks her life on the busy streets and sometimes runs into strangers in her mission to get together with his owner.


The vet who examined Bokshil believes that “waiting for her owner” gives her a purpose to measure on.

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But if a “rescuer” changes her environment, she won’t be ready to endure the shock thanks to her deluded psychological condition . Hopefully the Bokshil owner will find out about her haunted situation and find her. Let’s help Bokshil to reach her original owner!

Click the video below to watch Bokshil’s tragic journey of shattered hopes and disappointments over the past 10 years!

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Source: zenoonee.com

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