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Mama Dog In Pain Continues Nursing Babies Despite Fishing Hook Stuck To Her Lip

Nursing dogs have a lot of responsibilities to ensure their litter of pups are well-fed, nurtured, and taken care of, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Imagine a mama dog trying her best to keep her pups alive, but she is homeless, has no one to help, and suddenly she faces a painful accident. That’s exactly what happened to a sweet new canine mom in Kota Kinablalu, Malaysia who encountered a fishing hook.

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According to the rescue organization, Helping Animal’s Rescue Team (HART), a good Samaritan discovered a nursing dog mom who had a fishing hook and a lure stuck to her lower lip. Despite the pain she must have been in, the precious mama never faltered in her nursing duties for her hungry babies. The good Samaritan reached out to several rescues for help, but no one responded until HART.


“We quickly rush out to help get the hooks out and get her some relief,” HART wrote on Facebook. “By the time we got there, we realized she was dehydrated, fatigue, yelping in pain and obviously suffering. Without our help her ordeal would have been far worse.”

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They named the dog Dakota and noticed she dutifully continued nursing her five pups. She had been tangled in the fishing hook and lure for days and had no food or water. The rescue group reports she is healing well now that the hook and lure are gone, and she is continuing to take care of her babies.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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