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Her Jaw Broke After Being Kicked, She Couldn’t Eat But People Ignored Her Pain

Mara the dog was just 10 lbs when she was found wandering on the streets of Kardista, Greece. Her jaw was completely snapped in two, and it was painfully hanging from her mouth, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The man who found her said that she had been roaming around begging people to help her for 15 days, but they were repulsed by her jaw and turned a blind eye.

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The rescuers realized that Mara had not eaten normal food for 15 days. She was able to shift her tongue to the side to lick water and that was it. They immediately scrambled to restore her vitals and then took an X-ray of her jaw. After examining the pattern of her jaw fracture, the vets were sure that Mara suffered “blunt force trauma from being kicked”.


Mara was rushed into surgery to fix her fracture and her heavy jaw dislocation. For the next few days, she was in unimaginable pain as her face tried to heal. Her entire snout was in a brace, so her caretakers fed her soft food that she could gulp down with minimal pain.

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Despite being hurt so badly, this spirited girl is trying her best to embrace her second chance. She has transformed into a huge cuddle bug, now that she feels safe around her caretakers. We hope that she makes a complete recovery soon and finds a forever family that adores her. Get well soon, Mara!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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