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For His Whole Life, He Knew Nothing But Loneliness & Pain At The End Of A Chain

Dogs are meant to be part of the family, but at just one year old, Buster knew nothing outside of living on a chain by himself with no love, attention, or proper shelter from extreme weather conditions, writes ilovemydogsomuch

His owners kept him chained up in the yard for his whole life.

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Not only was Buster lonely, but he was in pain. The chain was embedded in his neck, which caused a deep, painful wound.


He also suffered from an untreated health issue, which left bald patches on his body.

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Thankfully, his owners eventually surrendered him to PETA, who treated him for his ailments and helped find him a new loving forever home.

When PETA workers brought Buster to his new home in Virginia, his new mom was overcome with emotions and brought to tears as she held her fur baby for the first time.

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Now Buster has his own warm bed to sleep and a family who will love him unconditionally.

“Dogs are meant to be part of our families,” said one of his new parents. “They’re meant to be loved. And that’s what we’re hoping to provide for him—just an opportunity to receive lots and lots of love. And Christmas presents!”

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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