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Dogs Look For Mercy As They Wait To Be Slaughtered And Served As Dog Meat

“Four Paws” is an international rescue organization that works to save animals from cruelty and low-welfare situations, writes ilovemydogsomuch

In 2019, their workers began crusading to dismantle various dog and cat meat trade markets thriving across Asia. In one of their recent endeavors, they have managed to save 20 cats and 5 dogs from a slaughterhouse in Vietnam.

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The workers first learned about the meat trade through a “prolific” restaurant in Thai Binh, the so-called “cat meat capital” (cat meat is more of a “delicacy” for the locals). The restaurant reportedly boasted of serving 240 cat meat meals a month. However, the source of obtaining these cats and dogs were incredibly shady.


Local animal activists believe that the cats and dogs served at restaurants are either pet or stray animals, sick or healthy – often violently kidnapped by the peddlers. They are then transported unchecked across the country in cramped cages that expose them to various diseases. These covert activities violate various health laws and could facilitate the spread of diseases between animals and humans.

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The current batch of rescues has been housed at Four Paws’ bear sanctuary for the time being. While one cat did not make it, the rest are doing well. They’ll be up for adoption once they recover from their mental and physical traumas.

The volunteers are still striving to uncover the multiple dog and cat meat market operating in high demand areas. They are also reaching out to authorities to put an effective ban on this nauseating trade. Spread the word and help them save more animals.

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Click the video below to watch a glimpse of how cats are dragged into a cat slaughterhouse.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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