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Burned Alive With A Blowtorch, He Suffered Agonizing Pain To Get Where He Is Now

This story contains graphic pictures, viewer discretion is advised, writes ilovemydogsomuch

A cat, now named Olaf, was cruelly burned alive with a blowtorch by an evil person, and it was truly a miracle that he survived it.

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He suffered third degree burns all over his little body and was in unimaginable agony.

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Thankfully he was rescued by Viktor Larkhill and his team of rescuers, who brought him to a local animal hospital.


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The animal hospital wrapped his burns and filled his belly with food, which he gladly ate.

Despite everything he’s been through, he remained friendly and trusting and allowed vet staff to do whatever they needed to get him better.

As time went on, they continued to treat his burns every day. As his burns began to heal, beautiful white fur started to grow in, and Olaf looked like a whole new cat!

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Once he was fully recovered, he was adopted by a loving family!

Now Olaf is loving his second chance at life with his new humans and cat siblings. He’s experienced a lot of trauma in the past, but now he will only receive the best care for the rest of his life!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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