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Mother Koala Stands Frozen On Freeway With Her Baby, Looks At Man For Some Help

It was 3 AM when a man had the most enchanting encounter in the middle of a street in Jimboomba, Australia! He was intrigued to see a mama koala waiting on the road with her baby perched on her back, and she seemed more than happy to mingle with a friendly human, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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The man was initially concerned to see the mama koala sitting frozen on the road while some vehicles swooshed past her. He approached her to see if anything was wrong, and cautiously reached his hand out to check on them. But he was rather surprised when the mama koala adorably tilted her head and nuzzled his fingers!

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Both the mama and the baby kept staring at the man with their dazzling, puppy-like eyes, causing him to swoon with wonder. However, he was worried to see the naive mama moving deeper into the road. He responsibly reached out to the mama again, and guided her in the direction of the woods.

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Thankfully, the smart mama understood the man’s gestures and ended her curious but dangerous road adventure. The man bid a sweet farewell and ensured she retreated back into the wilderness with her precious baby. Aww! This has to be one of the cutest koala interactions we’ve ever seen!

Click the video below to watch this wide-eyed koala mama and her baby during their late night stroll!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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