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Homeless Dog Approaches Stranger’s Car In Hopes Of Being Rescued

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Takis was on his way to the shelter one day when his work would find him for once! While driving into town, he spotted a homeless dog on the street. And the stray would come right up to his vehicle and beg in the most obvious way possible to be taken in and saved writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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The dog couldn’t have known it at the time, but he picked the perfect person to ask for help in this moment. The stray stood up at the car door and cried and whined not wanting to spend another day alone out in this world. And when Takis opened the door, the boy jumped right into the car on the passenger seat!

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“He wants to come with me!” Takis exclaimed so surprised that this dog was smart enough to know exactly what to do. The young pup, somewhere between six and seven months old, was so happy the entire trip to the shelter where he’d be named Hitch!

The stars just happened to perfectly align for Hitch on this day, and his second chance at life had arrived! 🙂

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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