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Dog Is So Overweight When Rescued, She Can’t Even Sleep The First Night At Home

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Corina desperately needed someone to help her in life, and thankfully, Jessica Janos decided to take her in from the South L.A. Animal Shelter one day. The poor dog was so overweight she couldn’t even sleep in that first night at home. Corina just lay there panting as if she were suffocating writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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“It was like seeing another dog trapped inside a cage that was her own body,” Jessica commented.

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The shelter handed the new dog mom a list of all of Corina’s health problems. But Jessica took this as motivation to fix and check all of them off! With a new diet plan in place, the dog started dropping weight right away!


With daily walks and other activities sprinkled in, the pounds kept falling off. Corina was over 49 pounds when rescued, so falling under 40 pounds marked a big milestone. When the dog was finally able to jump up on the bed on her own, it brought tears to Jessica’s eyes.


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Today, the dog is down to half the weight she started this journey out at! Corina is finally living life like a normal dog, and it’s all thanks to Jessica and her family. 🙂

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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