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This Rescued Dog Kept Her Face to the Wall for Days. He Is So Sad

Angel is an adorable Greyhound mix who was rescued from an animal organization in Ireland, writes ilovemydogsomuch

When she was brought to her new home, the poor rescued dog just sat in the corner of their office and faced the wall for days and days. Her rescuers brought her food, but Angel wouldn’t eat while anyone was there. They brought her a bed, but Angel was so scared of humans that she wouldn’t move from her place while anyone was around.

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Apparently, Angel behaved this way because she had suffered serious trauma and abuse. What was done to her to lead her to such a pitiful state is a mystery, but thankfully, this story has a happy ending. Angel’s life changed once the good people at PAWs Animal Rescue brought another dog to play with her. Then she found a forever home… and six months later, Angel is a happy, loving and beloved dog. Just look at her transformation!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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