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Meet Henry, A Rescued Animal With A Different Tail

We’re big fans of every rescued animal story we come across, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The idea of a human — and a human who has no ties to the animal, at that — taking time out of his or her life to save a fellow creature is something special. And we’ve come across plenty of stories that move us.

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But Henry isn’t the typical rescued animal. This adorable pig was just a few days old when he was saved from a factory. He was sick and cold and his chances of survival were slim, but Henry’s a fighter. He was cuddled and fed by hand by the kind humans at Brightside Farm Sanctuary, a wonderful organization in Tasmania that rescues about 300 to 500 farm animals and companion animals each year. The good people at Brightside do their best to place these animals in new, loving homes… but it turns out that they’re not the only ones to lend a hand in the rescue effort. The dogs at Brightside help too!


That’s exactly what happened to Henry. Things really turned around for our little hero when he met a new mom: a blind golden retriever named Raffy. And Raffy wasn’t even the only dog at Brightside to take care of Henry. Take a look at a few of the other friends he made on the farm. He may even have picked up a few of his friends’ habits; Henry learned to sit and wait for treats, almost like a dog.

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And it wasn’t just the dogs! Henry was invited to break bread with the farm’s resident rabbits and share a bottle with the farm’s sheep. But it was Raffy who was always Henry’s bestie, and the photos of the two friends hanging out and sleeping together is just adorable.

Henry was the only pig from his family to be survive. We hope his story moves you, because it sure moved us!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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