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Man Found Her Stuck In Mud & Placed Her With Other Rescued Puppy To Keep Warm

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A tiny puppy in distress was whimpering as loudly as she could. Somehow she ended up all on her own. Her frail, weak body couldn’t overcome her situation. She had become stuck in thick mud. Her little paws were too weak to fight it and she was found facing a wall, crying writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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Her rescuer later found out that she was severely anemic and that was why she was unable to move. The kind stranger picked her up, cleaned her up, and took her to the nearest vet clinic. The poor baby was exhausted and fell right to sleep.


As she slept, the vet and his team administered IV fluids, iron, and antibiotics. They placed the little pup with another young dog they had just rescued. They comforted one another as they slept.

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Due to her malnourishment, anemia, and age, she had to stay under the vet’s care for a month. Each day she got stronger. It warmed everyone’s hearts knowing she would surely be okay. She also made good friends at the clinic. All the workers and volunteers gave her tons of love and attention.

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The best news came when a kind woman stepped forward wanting to adopt the baby. The woman vowed to take good care of her forever. As soon as the two met, it was as if it was always meant to be! The puppy knew she was in good hands and her owner knew her love for this puppy would never waver.

Now in her new home, she’s treated like gold! She has a new comfy bed and lots of cute little clothes to wear. Her owner has lots of other dogs too! The dogs welcome the puppy into their pack with “open paws.” While her life started out with challenges she had to overcome, she is now happy and safe in her new forever home.

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We are so grateful she was rescued and her past is just that– in the past! Take a beat and check out her rescue video below. Thank you to her rescuer, the vet and his team, and of course, her new mom!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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