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Ram Gets Loose And Finds The Guard Dog All Alone, Tries To Headbutt The Dog

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Well-trained herding dogs know that they cannot get too friendly with the farm animals they’re supposed to control and protect. However, this delightful video from Nova Scotia, Canada, captures a rare instance when a curious wandering ram tried to get a little too friendly with the guard dogs, leading to some hilarious consequences, writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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This video begins with a lone ram abandoning his herd to watch 3 guard dogs engaging in rough play in the snow. He is fascinated by the amount of trust the dueling dogs place in each other, and immediately wants in on the fun activity. The guard dogs find themselves in a rather awkward situation when the ram innocently approaches them for a round!


Two of the dogs quickly resume their stoic pose to appear like reliable, untouchable authority figures to the ram. But the third dog tries to flee the scene, which turns out to be one shabby move! The ram eagerly skips to this particular dog and adorably tries head-butting him to initiate rough play!

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The conflicted dog is horrified at the pestering ram’s bold advances, and tries to return to his canine mates. But he eventually feels sorry for the over-enthusiastic ram! He finally makes a half-hearted attempt to “play” with the silly ram – just to get him off his back! As for the ram, this was surely his lucky day hanging out with the cool kids!

Click the video below to watch the ram trying to convince the guard dogs to play with him!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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