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Man Poured Boiling Water On Puppy & Dumped Him ‘Because He Didn’t Obey Order’

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, what began in mid-March as a sudden surge in demand has turned into a sales boom. Shelters, rescues, and private breeders have all reported more consumer demand than there were dogs and puppies to fill it, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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Some rescuers even said they received dozens of applications for the same dog, while breeders were reporting waiting lists into next year. Americans have been trying to fill voids with canine companions, due to being stuck working from home during quarantine or having more free time.

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But unfortunately, many families did not put much thought into buying or adopting a puppy, and quickly changed their minds about owning one.

Lak was one of those puppies who was bought during Covid. But the evil man who bought him didn’t have the patience to raise a puppy.

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When Lak was just a few weeks old, he didn’t understand how to follow orders yet. When he didn’t obey his owner, the owner threw hot water over his head and dumped him on the street.

When Lak was found, nearly all of the skin on his head had been burned off. Thankfully, he was saved and taken in by a rescue. He was in a lot of pain, not just physically, but mentally as well. He slept the entire first night at the rescue, which was probably the first time he has felt safe.

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As the days went on, after receiving treatment, Lak’s skin began to heal and his fur started growing back in. His sad story went viral, and the rescue received many applications from people who were willing to adopt Lak and give him a better life.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch

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