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Man Keeps Dog On A Short Chain, Lifts Her By Her Tail And Throws Water On Her

A dog named Yoshiko has been rescued from the clutches of her abusive owner thanks to the vigilance of a neighbor who reported the dog’s continuous mistreatment, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The neighbor had alerted RSPCA after witnessing Yoshiko being mishandled by her 21-year-old owner, Isaac McFarlane.

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Yoshiko was being kept tethered to a short chain in the yard while Isaac “threw water” over her. On different occasions, he was also seen lifting her in the air by her paw or tail with the malicious intention to torture her. By the time an RSPCA officer arrived to check on Yoshiko, the traumatized creature was badly injured.


The officer noted that Yoshiko seemed nervous and frightened and could barely stand due to suspicious wounding. She “cowered and backed off” on seeing Isaac, “tucked her tail between her legs and turned her head away”. While Isaac admitted that the dog looked stiff, he boldly claimed that he had not hurt her at all.

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Later, the officer carried a suffering Yoshiko to the vet. Her scans revealed that she had a lame limb from an untreated soft tissue injury, while other sore wounds indicated physical assault. Thankfully, the sweet-natured Yoshiko has found a good foster home that will help her heal both mentally and physically. She has apparently grown more confident and is set to be adopted by her foster parents.

As for Isaac, the man has been found guilty of 4 animal welfare charges, to which he vehemently denied. The Birmingham Court imposed a 10-year ban on him from keeping animals. He has also been handed an 18-month community order (it covers 200 hours of unpaid work and a 20-day rehabilitation activity). He has been fined for £1,000 ($1,344), and needs to pay another £85 ($114) toward victim surcharge.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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