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Woman Ties 2 Dogs Up Outside, Ignores Them As They Wither Away To Skin & Bones

Neglected and abused animals count on good Samaritans and kind people to speak up on their behalf. Too often, dogs who are in harm’s way go unnoticed until it’s too late, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Thanks to local animal control officers, the Rhode Island SPCA (RISPCA) sent officers out to the home of a Tiverton, Rhode Island woman recently. The local animal control officer discovered two Pit Bull type dogs who appeared in need of medical attention.

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On arrival, the RISPCA found an 8-year-old dog named Remy who was emaciated. His bones were visible through his coat and he had no fat or muscle mass on his body. The other dog at the home was a 5-year-old female named Beni. She, too, was severely underweight and had a large tumor untreated on her rear hindquarter. Both dogs were removed by officials and transported for urgent veterinary care.


In the meantime, the dogs’ owner, 30-year-old Amanda Medeiros was charged with one count of unnecessary cruelty to animals and two counts of failing to provide adequate veterinary care. The two dogs were found outside of the suspect’s home, which prompted officials to get involved and seek to remove them from her care.

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I Love My Dog reminds our readers to get in touch with local animal control or a local rescue if you can no longer care for your pets. It is never a viable option to starve or neglect an innocent animal. We are grateful these dogs are no longer being abused and neglected.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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