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This Dog May Have Cancer But She’s Still ALL Smiles

Bella is a very special dog. You would never know she’s in pain. She’s so happy that she was rescued and is safe from harm’s way! Bella was found covered in cactus spines. She also had a tumor on her leg. She was rescued then treated, but unfortunately, her cancer spread, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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Her leg had to be amputated. But through it all, she was a real trooper! Her smiles made everyone around her smile too! Bella looks great on three legs and gets around just fine! Just look at that adorable face!

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Bella then started chemo and was a real trooper! She seriously smiled through it all! What a doll baby!

Bella’s cancer is now in remission! WHOO HOOO! The only thing missing for Bella is a forever family.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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