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She Was Tortured & Chained Up With Every Bone Protruding From Her Starved Body

When Scarlet was found, she was tied up in heavy chains in the dirt without shelter, food or water, writes ilovemydogsomuch

She was in such awful condition, severely malnourished with every single bone and her entire pelvis protruding out of her body.

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When rescuers came to cut her free, Scarlet jumped up on them and showed her gratitude. She was so relieved that people had finally noticed her and cared enough to help her.


Once they freed her from the painful chains, they brought her to the rescue where she received a much-needed bath and got some food in her stomach for the first time in a long time.

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As time went on, Scarlet began putting on weight and looked like a very healthy dog in no time.

Six months after her rescue, Scarlet found a forever home and was adopted by a loving family.

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She has come such a long way from her days on a chain and looks completely unrecognizable. She may have had a rough past, but she never gave up and always had a will to live.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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