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Older Dog Cries In Pain From Walking On “Longest Nails Our Staff Has Ever Seen”

Once a dog’s nails start touching the ground, they should be clipped by a qualified professional, such as a dog groomer, vet tech, or even by the pet parent at home. Regular nail clippings keep a dog happy, healthy, and well-balanced, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Long nails on a dog are painful and the equivalent of walking on very high heels all day. No dog should have to suffer the pain associated with untrimmed nails. The folks at the Humane Society of Marion County, Florida, recently encountered a stray dog with the worst nails they’d ever seen.

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The 10-year-old Labrador mix arrived at the shelter in terrible condition. She was full of lumps and had the longest nails shelter workers ever encountered. According to a Facebook post, “Some of Docena’s nails were so long they began to TWIST and painfully curl around each other.” The only way the dog would have wound up like that is from pure neglect. No one knows how long she was on her own, but they do know her nails were in dire need of urgent care.

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Because Docena’s nails were so long, they had to be very carefully trimmed. Additionally, some tumors had to be removed under anesthesia. The shelter reminded everyone that more than one-quarter of female dogs who are not spayed will develop at least one mammary tumor in their lifetime. These tumors are often cancerous, so it is a good idea to have a dog spayed or neutered when appropriate.

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They also discovered the dog has a leg deformity that she was likely born with. It doesn’t appear to cause her any problems, as she actively uses the leg. As Docena slowly recovers and starts to feel the joy of walking without very long nails, she will be cared for by the staff at the Humane Society. We wish her all the best in recovery and remind our readers always to check their dog’s nail length. Your veterinarian or pet groomer can assess if it is time to clip them.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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