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Mama Dog & Her 9 Babies Dumped Like Trash In A Church Parking Lot

A church parking lot is a place where one would expect to find vehicles, not dogs. However, that didn’t stop someone from dumping a mama dog and her litter of nine puppies at the North Side Baptist Church’s parking lot in Abilene, Texas, recently, writes ilovemydogsomuch

A 5-year-old Boxer mix and her 2-week-old nursing puppies were dumped all alone. Someone posted the photo to social media, and that’s when the folks at Paw Angel Animal Rescue got involved.

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Two women associated with the rescue ventured out to the parking lot, loaded up the dog and her babies into their car, and took care of them.


“I saw the picture and it just broke my heart and I called Angel and we went and rescued the dogs,” Misty Boerger shared.

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The female adult dog, whom they named Dory, required immediate veterinary care. She had wounds on her body and many were open and draining. One of her puppies had to be euthanized due to a tumor in the throat.

All remaining 8 pups are doing well along with their mom, and they hope to adopt all of them out to loving homes soon.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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