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He Tethered Her To A Dog Washing Station & Landed Blows All Over Her Body

Self-service dog washing stations are a common occurrence in these modern days. Dog owners can simply take their dirty pooch to a self-service bath area and pay a small fee in exchange for bathing their dog, writes ilovemydogsomuch

A 54-year-old man named Michael Myer or Rochester, New York, took German Shepherd mix to one of the self-service pet bathing areas recently. However, his actions during the service were captured on camera, and now he’s in a lot of legal trouble.

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Thanks to a hidden surveillance camera, Myer was caught repeatedly punching the innocent dog, who was tethered to the bath station. The poor dog had nowhere to go and suffered blow after painful blow to her slender body. The abuse took place at Henrietta Country Max Store in a canine washroom. According to officials, Myer was arrested and ordered to appear in court.


He faces charges including overdriving, torturing, and injuring an animal. If found guilty of the misdemeanor offense, Myer faces a fine of $1,000 and/or up to one year in prison. In the meantime, officials with the Lollypop Farm are outraged. Their Vice President, Reno Di Domenico, issued a response to the abuse, stating, “This type of violence against a family pet is not something we can tolerate in our community.”

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When store employees reviewed the video, they immediately notified the Lollypop Farm Humane Law Enforcement Department. Authorities briefly questioned Myer after reviewing the footage only after receiving a tip through 911. For more about this case, press play on the video below. Thanks to everyone who came together to speak out for this innocent dog.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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