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Dog Terminally Ill With Tumor Is All Smiles As He Gets To Be A K9 Cop For A Day

In an incredibly benevolent gesture, the Pasco Police Department came together to fulfill one of the bucket list wishes of a terminally ill Pit Bull, Eddie. The sick dog was recently sworn in as an “Honorary K9” for a day, writes ilovemydogsomuch

He even devotedly carried out his duties by visiting local shops to collect charity items for a shelter!

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The poor pooch has an inoperable tumor and he barely has 6-12 months to live. He is under a foster and hospice program with a volunteer from “Mikey’s Chance Canine Rescue”. When the cops discovered about Eddie’s fascination with K9s, they immediately reached out to grant his heart’s desire!


Eddie was all smiles throughout his day as the dashing K9 officer! He was showered with love and lots of treats in every shop he visited. He even got to give an “interview” while wearing his sturdy uniform and badge. At the end of the day, he got to dive in a pool filled with doggie toys! What an adorable officer!

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The shelter says that Eddie was found cruelly abandoned near Benton City just months ago. They are now hoping to fulfill the remainder of his bucket list, which includes attending a baseball game and dressing up for Valentine’s Day. We hope Eddie has a blast in his final days. You are such a good boy, Eddie! Keep smiling!

Click the video below to watch Eddie’s amazing run as an honorary K9 officer for the day!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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