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Countless Folks Passed By Dog In Box & Did Nothing But Fill A Tray With Water

Countless people passed by a lonesome dog left to fend for himself. The dog, later named Archusha, lived in a wooden box. No one bothered to do the right thing– and that, in itself, is heartbreaking. But then, thankfully, a rescuer stepped up to help him, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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The dog was so grateful that someone finally noticed him. The rescuer brought him straight to the vet. His hind legs were totally paralyzed. Unsure of what exactly happened, the vet and his team ran the necessary tests. He did have a bulge, like a hernia, under his tail but was this the cause of all his problems? They were unsure.

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The vet consulted with a spinal specialist to see if surgery would help Archusha but the surgeon didn’t think so. It seemed it had more to do with his right leg. The pup kept his leg bent beneath his body. They would have to figure out something if Archusha would ever walk again.

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The vet and his team organized a physical therapy schedule. If they could strengthen his body and his legs, maybe some mobility would be possible. The next step was to find him a medical foster home that would take good care of Archusha. He luckily found one!

Despite all of his challenges, Archusha is such a sweet dog. He loves people and other animals. It’s disheartening however because he would have likely recovered from his injuries if someone had helped him sooner. Archusha’s medical foster family were so concerned he’d never find a forever home because of his disability. He had to wear a diaper as well which is always a challenge.

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But finally, Archusha found a place to live. His foster family was sad to say goodbye but they knew he needed stability and a family who could focus on him and his care. His new mom loves him so much. They were able to work on his incontinence. And his body is getting so much stronger. He won’t ever walk but he can scoot around really well. Dogs are incredibly strong and adapt quickly.

Archusha would’ve likely died on the streets if it weren’t for the kind person who finally cared enough to notice him. Now he’s living a good life with plenty of food, a nice dog bed, and a family who adores him. We are so grateful for Archusha’s rescue. Check it out below!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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