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Vet Said Paralyzed Puppy Must Be Put Down Immediately, But Mom Refused To Give Up

Avanti Fernandes was overjoyed when she got the opportunity to raise a loving Great Dane puppy named Olive. But when Olive was just 4 months old, she abruptly became paralyzed from the neck down while playing in the park, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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Avanti took Olive to the hospital where several tests were run to diagnose the cause of the sudden paralysis. Unfortunately, the tests could determine no underlying issue behind the puppy’s sudden sickness. The vet suggested that Olive must be put down immediately.

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It was difficult for Avanti to process Olive’s heartbreaking situation. It broke her heart that her cherished puppy wasn’t able to kiss or cuddle with her anymore, but she didn’t want to give up on her just yet.


Avanti went to Belle Mead Animal Hospital in New Jersey and asked their staff to look into Olive’s mysterious paralysis. The hospital’s specialist suggested that Olive should get some physical therapy while they try to understand her medical condition.

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Olive immediately began regular therapy sessions at the hospital, where her caretakers would use water therapy, harness-walking, and support frames to strengthen her muscles.

On some days, Olive’s situation worsened, causing the staff to worry about her survival. But Avanti and her family were optimistic that Olive would be able to live the happy life that she deserved.

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After months of therapy, Olive was able to run again with the help of custom-made wheels and some fabric support. By then, a massage therapist offered to donate her services to the struggling puppy. It took just 3 massage sessions for Olive to walk independently by herself again!

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Today, Olive has grown up to be a happy, tail-wagging dog who loves showering kisses on her family. Her vet bills over the months have piled up to about $15,000, which the family is still struggling to pay. If you wish to support Olive’s medical expenses, you can visit her GoFundMe page here.

Olive’s tale of survival and her family’s never-give-up attitude fills our hearts with so much hope. She is proof that miracles do happen! Keep Smiling, Olive!

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Click the video below to watch Olive’s remarkable story of pain and survival!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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