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Three Emaciated Sighthounds Beaten, Tied In Plastic Sacks, & Dumped In River

Imagine being beaten, thrown in a plastic bag, tied up, and dumped into a river to drown. That’s exactly what happened to three Spanish Sighthounds in the province of Seville in Spain, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Two bikers riding by the river at the time saw an animal poking his nose of the sack while floating in the body of water.

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One of the riders “saw there was a nose coming from one of them (the bags) and the bag was open and the dog ran away but it came back by itself shortly after’.”


Volunteers from a rescue group visited the scene and called police after finding three dogs. All three had microchips indicating they were owned by the same person.

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Only one of the three dogs survived and he is now getting proper care. According to investigators, a 60-year-old man who lives in the town of Arahal is their prime suspect.

The surviving dog was emaciated and is on the road to recovery.

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Javier Sanabria, a coordinator for PACMA, an animal rights political party, said these dogs are killed, “for many reasons, they are getting old, they are useless because the animal does not have the skills they want, but not all greyhounds are hunters or have the skills for hunting.”

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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