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Psycho Tied Her Up In Garbage Bag & Hoped That She’d Suffocate To Death

Volunteers from Paw Rescue were devastated and disgusted when they came across a deserted area that was used as a dumping ground for unwanted dogs, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Some of the dogs had been deceased for a long time, while others have just recently died and were in the process of decomposing.

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Among the dead dogs was a black garbage bag with a dog inside. At first glance, one would assume it was just another deceased dog, but this dog was still alive!


Rescuers untied the bag and discovered a severely emaciated dog who had very shallow breaths. They rushed her to the hospital in the hopes that it wasn’t too late to save her life.

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They decided to name this pup Surmeli, and after three months of continuous treatment, she gained weight and her fur grew back in.

Today, she looks completely unrecognizable! It’s hard to believe she is the same dog who was once tied up in a garbage bag and left to die.

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She has since been adopted and lives happily ever after in her new forever home.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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