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Man Is Furious After Vet Allegedly Amputated The Wrong Leg Off His Puppy

Dog owner Steve Scarlett, from Mission Beach Queensland in Australia, is left devastated and angry after his dog’s vet accidentally amputated the wrong leg, writes ilovemydogsomuch

When Scarlett brought his seven-month-old Jack Russell, Muni, to the vet in April with a broken right hind leg, they told him it couldn’t be fixed and needed to be amputated.

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Eventually, Scarlett brought Muni back in for the surgery, but when he went to pick her up, he noticed that the left hind leg was cut off instead of the right.


“She is just starting out in her life and they mix up the wrong leg to be cut off, I mean you learn your left and right with your ABCs when you are a child,” Scarlett told DailyMail. “Unfortunately something fell through the gaps there, incompetence more than anything if you ask me.”

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Scarlett plans on suing the vet’s office, but in the meantime, his main focus is to get her other leg fixed up. They put a pin into Muni’s broken leg and wrapped it in a cast with the hopes that it would eventually heal.

Scarlett has contacted the Queensland Veterinary Board and is hoping they will do a full investigation.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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