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Fearful Mom’s Matted Fur Kept Getting In The Way & Her Babies Were So Hungry

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When a dog ends up on the street, it is up to them to take care of themselves. This is nearly impossible. Between finding food and proper shelter, strays are in a constant battle. For one sweet stray, getting kicked out of her home caused significant trauma. Her soul wasn’t just crushed, it was borderline broken. But her story was just beginning…writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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A rescue group was notified about a dog that had been wandering the streets for quite some time. Her hair was overgrown and matted. The weight of it was terribly uncomfortable. And to make matters more stressful, she had given birth to puppies. She now had to care for herself and her babies.

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Her puppies followed her everywhere, trying to nurse, but her matted hair got in the way. It was painful for her and frustrating for her babies. Rescuers continued to follow the mama dog so they could save her but she was petrified of people. She was still carrying the weight of her past.


The devoted rescuers were not going to give up on her. One woman put down a bowl of food and tried to coax her over. Still, Mama was hesitant. She would get closer and then run away again. The rescuers tried another technique using a gentle snare but that too failed.

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After hours of trying to capture Mama without success, the rescuers finally used a net. Once Mama was safe inside the vehicle, the woman picked up the puppies from beneath a car. They didn’t seem as afraid of people which was an excellent sign. This likely means that the puppies haven’t been harmed and Mama did an amazing job protecting them.

Now that all the dogs are safe, it’s time to take them to the vet. Everyone gets their shots and a thorough exam. Then it’s time for a bath! Once Mama is groomed nicely and all the pups have had their rest, the rescuers want to work on socializing the dogs. The puppies do great but Mama is so afraid. She trembles at the sight of anyone trying to get close to her.

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No one is going to give up on the mama dog, who they name Klara. The beautiful girl is worth every effort. She will learn what it’s like to feel safe and to feel loved. To see what happens next, check out the video below! To say Klara’s story ends happily is a vast understatement. She truly gets her happily ever after.

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Please send your thoughts, prayers, and well-wishes to all the animals out there that need help. If you want to volunteer in your area and help homeless pets, please reach out to your local shelter and/or rescue groups.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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