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Cat With Jaw Wired Shut Escapes From Home & Goes On The Run

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Ash is an adorable grey cat who was found in a Providence junkyard in Rhode Island. The sweet feline was likely hit by a car and discovered with a shattered jaw. Lucky for Ash, someone found him and took him to Heaven’Lee’s Rescue. Now, the injured kitty is missing writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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After undergoing surgery and having his jaw wired shut, Ash was recovering at the home of a foster volunteer. He managed to escape from the house, so a community is coming together.

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“He has a rough time eating because of his jaw being wired shut,” said Jeffrey Ro, vice president of Tiger’s Den Animal Rescue. “He basically eats only mushy wet food.”

Volunteers are hoping someone will see Ash and return him safely. He has a distinct look with a small piece of wire protruding from his mouth. It looks like the cat has braces upon closer inspection.

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In the meantime, people are canvassing the neighborhoods and putting up flyers. There have been a few sightings and feral traps are in place.

Because the cat has trouble eating and there are coyotes on the prowl, his safe return is of utmost importance. A $500 reward is being offered for his return. Anyone with information on Ash should call 401-346-8852.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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