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“Broken” Hunting Dog Uses All His Might To Give Tail-Wags So They Come Closer

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In households around the globe, dogs aren’t treated as pets. They are used to protect livestock, guard houses and in many cases, used as hunting dogs. Sadly, their owners do not see them as we see our dogs. They’re more like tools than pets. That is what happened to this poor soul. He was discarded like garbage by a cruel master when he lost his drive to hunt writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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Scared and sick, he lay in a corner outside a building. He had no food or water. Nor did he have the energy to find food for himself. Thankfully, someone made a phone call to a rescue group called DAR Animal Rescue and they came immediately. As soon as he saw the kind humans, he knew they were there for him. His tail softly wagged.


The rescuers carefully picked him up and carried him off to a better life.

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They took him to the vet clinic where they assessed him. He shook in fear. He had no idea what was going on. The rescuers named him Carson. The vet diagnosed Carson with leishmania and heartworm. He’s put on the proper meds and then goes off to the shelter for further treatment.

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The women clean his wounds and assure him that things will get better. When he’s finally ready to meet the other shelter dogs, he shakes. The poor boy is not sure what to feel.

Should be relieved that he’s safe? Should he be scared of the other dogs? What does this all mean? The women wish they could explain everything to him but for now, he will have to be patient and see that his life is getting better by the minute!

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The next day, Carson feels so much better. He’s had a few good meals and his medication is working! He even stops shaking! He realizes that the other dogs will not hurt him.

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As time progresses, so does Carson. He’s still wary. Even when he wags his tail and smiles, you can see he’s nervous. But he is also loved. Once he is totally healthy, he will go up for adoption.

We pray Carson finds his forever home soon! Thank you DAR, you are a wonderful rescue group. Check out Carson’s rescue below!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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