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Crippled Dog Howls In Vain As His Owner Leaves & He Can’t Chase After Him

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Security cameras, play out a soul-crushing tale involving an innocent dog and his callous owner. The cameras captured a black car headed down a cobblestone road. The car pulls over and the driver, who appears to be an ordinary clean-cut man, gets out and looks around. He then proceeds to open the other car door and pull his dog out. The dog just sits there confused writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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Then the dog watches as his owner gets back in the car and prepares to drive away. His poor doggy heart breaks. He cries out for his owner but his hind legs are paralyzed and he cannot go after him. The poor dog is overwhelmed and lost and even though he can hardly move, he still attempts to crawl after the car that speeds away.

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The devastated dog is thoroughly confused. He doesn’t know where he is or why he’s even there in the first place. He’s been dumped and it’s a devastating thing to witness. Once the car is gone, the dog lies down. He is exhausted and has no idea what to do with himself. But then he gets up and scoots his little body down the street, hoping to find his owner.


Thankfully a rescue group got hold of the footage and tracked the dog down. It took them four days to find him but they did! They then sent the footage to the police so they could press charges against the owner. The poor dog is in terrible shape. He pants uncontrollably from being exposed to the elements and having nothing to drink.

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The rescuers put the dog in their vehicle and give him a new name: Chora. It’s now time to head to the vet clinic. Chora gets a full workup and the vet determines that his spine is fractured and it will require surgery. The rescue group uses donations to pay for his medical expenses. They understand that he needs surgery, despite how expensive it is, in order to live a better life.

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Chora is finally loved and accepted. He’s healing nicely and has even taken his first steps! Thanks to rehabilitation, acupuncture and loads of TLC, Chora will be healthy enough to go to a new forever home where he will be treated like the king he is. We are so thankful he is now safe! As for his owner, let’s hope he’s held accountable for abandoning this precious animal.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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