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A Donkey Was Thrown To A Wolf As Food, But They Befriend Each Other Instead

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In Patok, Albania, a wolf was captured and put in a small cage. And the captor threw an older donkey in as food thinking the wolf would eat it. But this is where the story would take an unimaginable and unreal turn writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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The wolf didn’t eat the donkey, and what resulted amazed everyone and led the story to go viral.

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Not only did the wolf not eat the donkey, the two got along and became friends! It’s as if they took to each other for comfort understanding they were suffering the same fate.


When word of this spread throughout the village, the media took notice and a petition was started to free the animals. And that’s what happened!

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The donkey would go on to live on a green pasture, and it’s said the wolf friend stops by to see his buddy every once in a while! What a feel-good story. 🙂

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