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Someone Threw This Dog Out Of A Truck But Now He Is Getting The Love He Deserves

Earlier this week, David Manning was walking home in South Toledo when he found a dog, now named Victor, in an alley on the brink of death. The pup was huddled next to a wire crate and he was covered in dried feces, urine and wounds, writes post.bark

David said:

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“There was so much waste inside the crate. He’d been living in his own mess. I’ve never in my life seen a dog like that. You see it on TV, but when you see it in real life, it’s totally different.”

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David thinks that Victor was likely pushed off the back of a truck while still in his crate and that the fall caused the crate to break. He saw a bluish-gray pickup leaving the alley shortly before he found Victor, but didn’t actually see the dog fall out of the truck. David got food and water for the gaunt Pit, but the pup was so weak, that David had to lift up the dog’s head to help him drink water.

David’s sister, Trinidy, who took Victor in for the night, said that the pup was also too weak to walk and would fall over after attempting to stand.

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Victor is now under the care of Lucas County Pit Crew, where he has received much needed medical attention. Victor is so malnourished that it is going to take his body a long time to relearn how to process food. Currently, he is eating small amounts of food throughout the day while his system adjusts. [bp_related_article] The amazing humans, both volunteers and doctors, associated with Lucas County Pit Crew are going to do whatever it takes to help him both physically and mentally, but his condition is still critical. He should weigh 50 pound or more, and at 29 pounds his road to recovery is going to be a long and trying one.

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Lucas County Pit Crew’s Executive Director, Jean Keating told us:

“He must have been a very handsome guy at one point. He has the most beautiful eyes but is definitely not trusting people right now.”
His hesitation toward humans is certainly understandable. Victor was well enough to move into foster care on Friday. Hopefully, he will begin to see that not all humans are cruel and that there are people who only want to love and cherish him. If you’d like to help Victor, and other dogs like him, you can donate to Lucas County Pit Crew.

Source: post.bark.co

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