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He Was At Death’s Door When He Was Thrown Into A Garbage Container To Rot

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Rocky was at death’s door when a cruel person dumped him in a garbage container. He had given up on life, and if he wasn’t rescued when he was, then he wouldn’t have had much life left anyway writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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When rescuers brought him to the animal hospital, he was terrified and shaking. He was losing his hair due to mange, and his face was covered in bloody scabs.

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Rocky received treatments for months, but his road to recovery was a long one.

He had an abscess under his eye and stones in his bladder, which he received surgery for. Thankfully, it was a success, and Rocky was well on his way to his new life.

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He got adopted by a loving family who spoils him and loves him unconditionally. Rocky’s spirit returned and he is now so much happier! He looks and feels like a whole new dog.

Rocky proved that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, and you shouldn’t ever give up! The heinous person who dumped Rocky had no heart and clearly didn’t see Rocky to his full potential.

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Watch his rescue and amazing transformation in the video below:

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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