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Friendly Mutt Thrown In Pound Narrowly Escapes Death Row At The Eleventh Hour

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A two-year-old mutt named Blue was living as a guard dog on Staten Island, but ended up being forced to live in a cold shed outside after one of the people living in the house didn’t want him around her kids writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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Poor Blue spent a week in the shed before the New York Police Department picked him up and brought him to the Staten Island pound. From there, he was taken to the Brooklyn ACC location, where he was sadly put on death row.

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Rescuers were worried that he would be put on their kill list to be euthanize due to overcrowded, and their fears came true. Despite Blue having no bite history, he was marked for euthanasia the same day he arrived.


Staff at the pound emailed local rescue groups, letting them know that Blue would need to be pulled by noon the next day in order to avoid being put to sleep.

Rescue groups wrote back saying they needed more time in order to arrange a foster home, but the pound refused to extend the deadline.

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Thankfully, after much begging from the rescue groups, they extended it to the next day and Blue narrowly escaped death row.

He is now living with his foster mom, Sophie Anthony, in Hoboken, New Jersey.

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“With the opportunity to save a dog that was literally going to be killed, I felt I had to do everything in my power to make sure that he wasn’t,” Anthony told the NY Post.

Blue was shy at first, but within the first couple hours in his new foster home, he was already rolling around asking for belly rubs, and kissing everyone.

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“To see this dog walk in and smother everyone with love, it was insane,” Anthony continued, with tears in her eyes.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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