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Dog Is Afraid She’s Stealing Her Puppies, So She Lets Her Lick Them One By One

A pregnant homeless dog named Spring crawled into a woman’s yard just when her labor kicked in. She gave birth to 9 puppies shortly after, but she looked like the saddest creature as she nursed her adorable babies, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Clearly, Spring was worried about raising her innocent little ones on the streets without any prospects of a good life.

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The homeowner where Spring gave birth began feeding the skinny and sickly new mama, and gave a rescue call to “Hope For Paws”. When the rescuers from Hope For Paws arrived, Spring jumped out into the yard and eagerly ran to greet the strangers. She singled out one of the rescuers named Loreta and began clinging on to her desperately, as if she was begging her to save her puppies.


Loreta gently assured Spring that she was going to look out for her babies, so the mama dog guided her to the spot where her puppies were resting. Spring could barely hold back her smiles as Loreta picked up her babies one by one and placed them in a cushioned crate. The trusting girl was calm and collected throughout the rescue, as she had full faith that her puppies were in good hands!

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Once they were at the shelter, the puppies received immediate health assessments while the skinny Spring was given a grooming and a rejuvenating bath to wash off all the filth accumulated on her skin. It must have been so hard for this docile and meek pooch to survive on her own all this time. It’s comforting to know that she and her puppies won’t have to starve and suffer on the harsh streets anymore!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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