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Dog And Cheetah Were Both Abandoned, Now They’ve Bonded For Life

At the Metro Richmond Zoo, there’s an absolutely magnificent animal friendship brewing- Kago, the dog- and his cheetah BFF, Kumbali! Kumbali was the runt of his litter, and his mom wasn’t making enough milk to feed him. So the staff at MRZ took him under their wing and nursed him to health., writes post.bark

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And they knew that cheetahs, being one of the most social of the cat species, need a companion. They reached out to various rescues and, with the help of The Art of Paws, found Kago, a Lab mix originally rescued from a high-kill Alabama shelter.

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Surprisingly, cheetahs and dogs have been paired as companions for nearly 30 years. The San Diego Zoo pioneered the practice, and there are more than a few paw-dorable friendships to savor.

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There are genuine benefits to the partnership, too. The dog helps calm the cheetah by setting an example of being trusting and confident in situations where the cheetah’s natural impulse would’ve been fear or anxiety. [bp_related_article] Having grown up together, these two are inseparable. They play non stop, and it’s obvious watching this video that they’re absolutely obsessed with each other’s company. Check out this heartwarming clip and bask in how much fun they have!

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Source: post.bark.co

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