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Battered Hunting Dog Gave Up On Life After Owner Deemed Her ‘Useless’ & Dumped Her

Diana is an old hunting dog who was used and dumped when the hunter no longer needed her, writes ilovemydogsomuch


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Life has been extremely hard for Diana, but thankfully she finally fell into the right hands. Viktor Larkhill and his team of rescuers took her in and brought her to the vet for some much-needed medical care.

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She was in poor shape, emaciated, and had a severely injured eye. Her eye was bulging out of its socket and sadly could not be saved, so she underwent surgery to have it removed.

She was started on a proper diet to help her gain weight, and her eye healed nicely after the surgery.

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Once she was ready, she hopped on a plane and flew to her new forever home in Germany, where she was welcomed with open arms.

Her new family loves her unconditionally, and Diana will spend the rest of her life being spoiled and playing with her new doggy sister!

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Watch her transformation in the video below:

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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