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Abandoned And Barely Able To Move, This Pup Found Hope Thanks To One Amazing Couple

Poor little Powder was huddled in a ball and barely able to move, freezing and sick and ready to give up, when a couple found him on the side of a Florida highway a cold night in March, writes post.bark

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The couple that found him tried to get help for hours, and when they told the local sheriff’s office about him, within the hour, a group of deputies picked him up and brought him to Dezzy’s Second Chance Animal Rescue nearby. Powder wasn’t even strong enough to get up or walk.

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The rescue immediately brought Powder to the vet, who said he needed surgery on both his eyes and medicine and treatment for a staph infection and mange. Powder had at least 500 nodules all over his body that were filled with puss and blood, according to Dezzy’s Facebook page.

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With some excellent TLC, Powder’s skin began to heel throughout the month, and his fur began to grow back.

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And on April 13, Powder went into eye surgery and was released! “I was so happy to see him walk down the hall,” wrote Sandra of Dezzy’s.

In just a month, Powder has made such an incredible transformation, thanks to the incredible humans who knew he had so much to give. Good luck with the rest of your recovery, you brave dude! Watch the video below to learn more about Powder’s journey.

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Source: post.bark.co

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