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7 Newborn Puppies Sealed In Plastic Bag & Thrown Away, 4 Puppies Don’t Make It

When “Howl Of A Dog” received a rescue call about a litter of puppies dying in a deserted field, they assumed that a homeless dog had given birth. But when they arrived to retrieve the puppies, their hearts sank at the disturbing sight in front of them, writes ilovemydogsomuch


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The rescuers never expected to find the puppies discarded in a plastic bag and strategically hidden in the bushes where no one would find them. Their owner clearly didn’t want them, and separated them from their mama with their umbilical cords still attached.


The suffocating puppies were squealing in pain as the rescuer picked them up one by one. After thorough searching of the field, the rescuers collected a total of 7 puppies from the same litter. None of the puppies were in a stable state, so they immediately rushed them to the hospital.

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Sadly, 4 puppies passed away before the vets could help them. The surviving puppies, now named Lizzie, Taz and Bernie, began receiving treatment that helped them pull through despite their failing health.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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