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10-Yr-Old Deaf-Blind Dog Is Abused All Life & Thrown Away When His Limbs Give Up

A 10-year-old Pit Bull named Norman was found tied to a pole on a street in Brooklyn in a completely emaciated and diseased state. His monster owner had abused and neglected him all his life, and dumped him when he got too sick, writes ilovemydogsomuch


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The dog had lost most of his fur due to severe skin infections, his limbs had given out, and the poor baby couldn’t even stand on his own.

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Even in his dying state, Norman would wag his tail at every passerby and beg for help. When Angels for Mistreated Animals (AMA) workers arrived to pick him up, they immediately caught on the putrid smell of decay emanating from his dying body. They rushed him to the hospital, where the poor dog was put on emergency care.

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After staying for a month in the critical care unit, Norman’s condition finally got stabilized. But the dog was still unable to walk. It was during this period that the vets found out that the dog was deaf and partially blind. But despite the testing circumstances in his life, Norman kept fighting to recover.

We can’t help but tear because Norman is gradually getting better !Norman’s new mama has renovated her house and her backyard to make it easier for the disabled dog to move around. We’re so happy Norman is going to spend his twilight years surrounded by love! He has truly impressed everybody with his gentle soul and indomitable spirit!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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