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Thugs Shoot Dog 6 Times, Stick A Jar Over Her Head & Leave Her To Freeze In Snow

The Fort Alexander community in Manitoba, Winnipeg, is shocked after discovering a severely abused dog left to die in a remote area, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The 2-year-old Spaniel mix was found frozen to the ground with a jar stuck on her head. The rescuers later discovered that she had been shot 6 times with pellet guns too.

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The locals called RCMP officers for further help. The officers used a pocketknife to remove the jar, but were horrified to see open wounds on the dog’s frail body.


The wounds were gruesome cuts and bites from other animals. The dog, now named Greta, was immediately rushed to “Manitoba Underdogs Rescue”.

At the hospital, Greta’s condition was discovered to be even more critical. X-rays revealed that she had eaten a piece of aluminum can out of starvation, which is now lodged in her stomach and causing metal toxicity.

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Unfortunately, the rescue has seen a rise in the number of starving, cold and frozen dogs found this winter. Greta’s recovery will require thousands of dollars, which is why the shelter has reached out to people for some much-needed help.

If you wish to donate toward Greta’s recovery, you can visit the shelter’s donation page here.

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Meanwhile, the investigators are still investigating about Greta’s abusers and their motivations. If you have any information about this case, please do contact the authorities. Let’s spread the word and help the cops find the villains who tortured Greta!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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