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Stolen Dog Missing For 2 Years Is Found, But Owner Worries He Forgot About Her

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For two long, harrowing years, Gumbo’s owners looked everywhere for their beloved dog in Irwinton, Georgia. Someone stole the family’s beloved dog, but Gumbo’s owners would not give up hope of being reunited with him writes ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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They looked everywhere, posted fliers around town, contacted rescue groups, and shelters, and took to social media to find their pooch. After two years, there were no signs of their furbaby.

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Recently, however, a deputy was driving down the street when he met up with a man in the middle of the road. The man said he found the dog and that the animal was all alone. He had no idea if the dog was someone’s pet, so he flagged the officer down for help. Immediately, the deputy opened his police car door, and the pooch jumped right in.


The deputy contacted a local rescue organization to see if a missing dog had been reported. In the meantime, the deputy went door to door for three hours and knocked, asking people if they were missing a dog or recognized the pup. One kind woman said she’d keep hold of the dog until his owners could be found. Within a few hours, details began to emerge.

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The dog was living with another family in the area for the past year. The woman who kept hold of the dog reported having an uneasy feeling, and she asked her rescue partners what to do. Within moments, the dog’s original owners contacted her and were able to accurately describe the dog, including vet records and surgical scars. It was Gumbo!

Fifteen minutes later, Gumbo’s owners drove over to the woman’s home and hoped to see their dog with their very own eyes. They were joyfully reunited, and Gumbo recognized his long-lost family. It is believed the dog was stolen for dogfighting purposes but then dumped when the thieves realized he was neutered and too large to fight.

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Watch the incredible reunion below. We wish the family all the best now that Gumbo is back where he belongs!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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