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Premature Kitten “Adopts” Sick Bulldog Puppies And Transformed Them

When we think about animal heroes, we think about rescuers on the front lines. We think about the veterinarians who volunteer their time, the devoted shelter workers, and of course, all the foster parents who selflessly open their homes to animals in need, writes ilovemydogsomuch

This story is about a tiny, unlikely hero that isn’t even a human!

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A teeny tiny puppy named Barnabus was born with a cleft palate. His disability made nursing on his mama impossible. In order to survive, someone had to intervene. Due to how advanced his cleft palate was, he couldn’t even feed out of a bottle. The breeder surrendered him because Barnabas needed to be tube-fed and that required a lot of energy.


Laura, a wonderful animal advocate, stepped up and offered to foster the tiny Bulldog. Then, the same day, Laura got a call about a kitten in distress named Broccoli. She took the kitten in too.

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As both tiny animals came into her care, Laura had a lightbulb moment. Babies that young are used to being in litters and being snuggled up to their mothers. She decided to put Barnabas and Broccoli together and see what would happen.

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The adorable pair became best friends instantly. Laura was floored! Broccoli was the catalyst in Barnabas’s survival. The kitten would nudge him and snuggle up to him every chance she got. It motivated the little pup and that’s exactly what he needed.

Broccoli continued to be her little spunky self and then met another dog who needed her attention, named Ellery. This special puppy was born with five legs! Ellery didn’t let his disability get in his way either. All the animals began to bond and it was truly incredible.

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It was only a matter of time, though, for Broccoli. Since she had no health issues, she would soon go to a forever family. Laura made sure that she had some quality playtime with both of her best doggy friends before she said goodbye.

Now, Barnabas and Ellery are without their favorite kitten but their bond has grown so much. Puppies like Barnabas and Ellery are normally put down by breeders. We are so happy that they were given a chance and are under Laura’s care.

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Broccoli is doing amazing in her forever home too. In many ways, these three sweet animals saved each other. With Laura’s help, of course! Take a special moment out of your day and watch their full story below. It is so heartwarming!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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