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Monster Cut Off Kitten’s Back Paws & Left Him To Suffer In The Blistering Sun

Viktor Larkhill and his team of rescuers received an emergency call for help regarding a tiny kitten who was found crawling in a narrow street in the blistering sun, trying to find some shade, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The lady who found him approached him, and noticed that his back legs were injured.

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Upon closer examination, she realized that someone had cut off both of his back paws! He had been dragging himself on his exposed bones, which was extremely painful.


The woman brought him home and immediately called the rescue.

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The kitten, now named Star, was brought to the Intensive Care Unit of the Valencia Sur Veterinary Hospital, where they are treating him and doing everything they can to prevent infection from spreading.

His wounds are cleaned and treated daily, removing dead tissue and disinfecting the areas.

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Little Star still has a long road to recovery, but he has proven to be a fighter.

Despite everything he’s been through, he remains calm and is very friendly and cooperative.

Watch his story in the video below:

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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