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He Dragged His Mangled Body Out Of Ditch After He Was Hit By Car & Left For Dead

A dog was hit by a car and left to die in a water-filled ditch in Cha am, Thailand, writes ilovemydogsomuch

He laid in the bushes for days, crying in pain, hoping someone would find him. He even tried to drag himself out, but he gave up because it was just too painful.

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Thankfully, he was finally found and pulled to safety. Although it’s unknown exactly how long he was lying in the dirty, cold water, what mattered most was that he was now safe and would be getting the medical care he needed.

They rushed him to the hospital, where he received treatment for dehydration. He was also very emaciated and so weak that he was unable to stand.

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X-rays revealed a broken pelvis, which explained his pain and inability to get up. He underwent surgery to repair his broken bones, and put him on pain killers and antibiotics.

Since he was in so much pain, he didn’t want to eat, so rescuers had to syringe feed him. But ten days later, he finally had more of an appetite and began eating on his own. His wounds and injuries were also healing nicely.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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