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Dog Returns Home After 10 Days & Heartbroken Cat Gives Him The Sweetest Welcome

Bow-Z the dog and Jasper the cat grew up in the same household but had strikingly different personalities, writes ilovemydogsomuch

While Bow-Z loves being stoic and dignified, Jasper is a total clown. But the family witnessed a different side to Jasper’s personality when Bow-Z had to be away from home for 10 days.

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Jasper was visibly distressed when he realized that Bow-Z was nowhere to be seen. For the next 10 days, he kept whining and crying and stopped being playful altogether. His humans didn’t know how to console him and simply waited for Bow-Z’s return.


In this video, we see the precious moment when Bow-Z enters the home after his trip. As he walks in, he expects a few cuddles from his humans, and that’s it. Imagine his surprise when Jasper comes running out of nowhere and locks him in the tightest embrace! Bow-Z freezes in his spot out of shock, as he never expected the “cool” cat to miss him so much!

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Bow-Z tries to stay calm as Jasper chases him around the house and keeps hugging him. But Bow-Z’s tail eventually betrays him and he ends up returning Jasper’s love with his non-stop tail-wags! Many people stereotype cats for “hating on dogs” or being “devoid of emotions”, but this video proves that cats have the biggest and the most loving hearts!

Click the video below to watch Jasper’s heat-melting reunion with Bow-Z after 10 long days!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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