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Dog Refuses To Leave Her Sick Brother Who’s Given Almost No Chance Of Survival

Tido the Border Collie-Welsh Corgi puppy hadn’t even opened his eyes when he was found on the side of a rural road, writes ilovemydogsomuch

A few concerned citizens noticed that his doggie mama had passed away, so they dropped him off at a crowded local shelter. Soon, a kind woman volunteered to take the weakened Tido in as a foster.

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It was in his foster home that Tido met Sola, a 1-year-old Border Collie, for the first time. Sola was completely enchanted by the little puppy, and began caring for him like a protective big sister. Tido was equally charmed by Sola as he started spending his days following her around. Sadly, this happy bliss was abruptly cut short When Tido fell sick on the 5th day in foster care.


Sola and her mom were terrified as Tido suffered from violent seizures while foaming from his mouth. The puppy was rushed to the vet, where he was diagnosed with canine distemper with a 5 percent chance of survival. This news came as a shock to everybody and Tido’s foster mom decided to do everything in her power to help him recover.

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As canine distemper is highly contagious, Tido was separated from Sola and hooked up to medicines and fluids in an isolated room in his foster home. He was dying, and Sola somehow sensed that. However, the poor girl wasn’t ready for a farewell yet, so she vowed to stay by her brother’s side in her own special way.

Even if Sola couldn’t see Tido, she began waiting outside his room all day. The next 3 weeks were tense, but Sola anxiously lingered by the door and desperately prayed for her dear brother’s recovery. It was an unbelievable miracle as Tido made a complete recovery despite his bleak diagnosis!

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Watch this heartwarming video till the end to see Sola’s priceless reaction when she reunites with Tido after 3 long and agonizing weeks. Needless to say, Tido is no longer a foster boy, but a forever brother to his doting furry sister!

Click the video below to watch how Sola’s endearing love sheltered Tido when he was fighting for his life.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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