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Dog Braved Hurricane On The Streets By Himself After Family Left Him Behind

A little one-year-old dog braved Hurricane Laura on the streets of Louisiana by himself after his family left him behind, writes ilovemydogsomuch

When he was first spotted by AT&T’s National Disaster Relief Team, he was scared, wet, famished and covered in fleas.

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The dog, now named Skip, would wait at the worksite every day for his new friends.

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Josh Swindell and the rest of the relief team took him in, fed him and gave him a much-needed bath. Swindell posted about him on Facebook, in the hopes that someone would want to adopt him.

Thankfully, Matt and Judy Schall, of Pensacola, took one look at Skip and knew they had to adopt him. Sadly, they recently said goodbye to their 15-year-old rescue dog, and were ready to welcome a new dog into their family.

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After losing their dog, their other dog Oscar grew very depressed, and bringing Skip home helped Oscar become happy again.

Matt and Judy brought Skip to the vet, where they learned he had heart worms and hook worms, likely from being on the streets for a few months.

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The vet told the Schalls that he doesn’t think Skip would have survived much longer if it weren’t for the relief team rescuing him from the streets and the Schalls taking him in and getting him medical help.

Thankfully, Skip got his happy ending and is expected to make a full recovery in his new home.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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