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Cavapoo Finds 16-Year-Old Blind & Deaf Dog Who Vanished In The Ice-Cold Night

Molly the 16-and-a-half-year-old Maltipoo is blind, deaf and has severe arthritis, so when she went missing, her owners were heartbroken and worried, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Paula Milgrom’s husband let their senior dog outside for a bathroom break, but when he came back out a few minutes later to let her inside, she was nowhere to be found.

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They searched the area with flashlights and then got in their car and drove around the neighborhood for more than two hours trying to find her. It was nine at night and temperatures were dropping, so they were horrified to think that their beloved furbaby could freeze overnight.


And she probably would have if it weren’t for another dog who lives nearby.

At one in the morning, Gracie the Cavapoo woke up her human and began barking and running around the house. Her owner, Elaine Wolf, knew that Gracie rarely barked, so she was worried that something was wrong.

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That’s when she heard a dog barking. She peeked outside and discovered a little old dog trying to get in her house and escape the cold.

Wolf instantly felt bad for the dog and let her inside her warm home. She noticed that she had a dog tag and contacted the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department, who luckily had Molly’s dog license on file.

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They were able to get in touch with Molly’s owners, who were so relieved that she had been found.

“Thank God she had on her tag,” Milgrom told Fox 2. “We love her and 16 1/2 years is a long time to have someone in your life. Because here’s the thing about dogs – they don’t judge, they don’t mock. They are just loyal and loving – and in this case, helpful.”

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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